

直播峰会是一个全新的会议, 与流媒体西部联合制作, that focuses exclusively on the challenges and opportunities in在这里nt in delivering large-scale live events and live linear channels to multiple screens. 最佳实践演示将涵盖实时视频工作流程的每一步, 包括摄入, 代码转换, 管理, 保护, 分布, 分析, 以及事后评价.

无论你是流媒体一次性娱乐, 新闻, 体育, 游戏, 或者礼拜活动, 或者提供重复的实时内容, 我们会帮你的. 而其他活动则侧重于活动视频制作, 直播峰会将其提升到一个新的水平, covering the 技术 and strategies required to take that video and deliver it to viewers watching on computers, 平板电脑, 移动电话, 机顶盒, 和智能电视.


  • Best practices for backhaul, 传输, and ingest—satellite, 纤维, 细胞, and more
  • 编码和转码-本地,云和混合
  • Management-metadata, 内容保护, 流缝合, 以及为联合播放和事后视频点播做准备
  • 用户体验——视频播放器、api、剪辑分享和社交媒体集成
  • 货币化——广告、订阅和按次付费
  • 分发-内容交付网络、实时分析、QoS和QoE
  • 直播的未来
  • 来自主要内容所有者的案例研究

流媒体的直播峰会是美国唯一的直播峰会.S. event to address the highest-level issues and opportunities related to live streaming. This is a must-attend show for technical and business decision makers whose jobs depend on delivering successful large-scale live events and live linear channels online. 


  • 访问所有直播峰会会议(如下所述)
  • 访问流媒体西部主题演讲
  • 清淡的欧陆式早餐,上午和下午休息
  • 流媒体西部博览会入场券,包括周二招待会
  • 进入第二届年度 流媒体 啤酒花园 & 周二晚上的社交活动
  • 流媒体 杂志的 周三的读者选择奖早餐
  • 直播峰会 may be registered for separately or is included with our Platinum and Combo Pass options

提供赞助机会. 点击 在这里 有关详细信息,. 


10:30 a.m. - 11:15 a.m.

LS101 -专题讨论:在你的表演和观众之间架起一堵无形的墙

本节将探讨不同的摄取方法, 传输, 和backhaul-satellite, 纤维, 细胞, and even good old-fashioned Ether网—all of which should have a place in your live streaming toolbox. 从小事到大事, what are some of the ways we can utilize new 技术 without sacrificing time-tested best practices? How do you balance budgetary concerns against redundancy and make sure your event goes off flawlessly? 

马克东, iStreamPla网现场活动运营执行董事
彼得哈氏,西部销售副总裁- The Switch
奥尔登多数时候, Ustream产品营销副总裁
11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.

LS102 -直播洞察

11:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Learn what it is like to don a production badge and take a backstage tour with the CTO of TourGigs. 在本次会议上, 我们将回顾一下如何完成多镜头演唱会的现场拍摄, 从一个疯狂的位置回传压缩流, 并在多个屏幕上向用户大规模交付. 我们还将介绍不同的盈利模式, 权限管理, 策略执行, 版税, 以及为什么有些节目进行得非常顺利,而有些节目则完全失败.

凯西•布, Gigcasters常务董事
谁是直播的赢家? 由Roker实验室提出
12:00 p.m. - 12:30 p.m.

With the explosive popularity of Meerkat and Periscope, Live Streaming has become the new live 电视 while also adding a multidimensional, collaborative one-to-one layer to social media. 现在比以往任何时候都更重要, content creators are moving towards becoming media companies that create and broadcast their own content from the palms of their hands. 但真的有人在看吗?  在本次会议上, a representative from Al Roker Entertainment's Roker Labs discusses who is winning in the world of live streaming. Having created the first-ever index report quantifying live streaming amplification in July of this year, Roker Labs has since released subsequent reports that show how content creators are "owning" their verticals and using technology and social media to enhance their brand.

1:45 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.


Live event 代码转换 used to be simple: you did it all in-house and you needed capacious outbound bandwidth, 所有这些都花了一大笔钱. 现在有更多的编码模式可供选择, including live cloud 代码转换 and packaging from traditional encoding vendors as well as OVPs, 发布商, 以及其他服务提供商. 在本次会议上, 1月时 will survey the available encoding/代码转换 options and service providers, 并提出一个结构化的比较,包括关键因素,如成本, 流冗余, 包装的灵活性, 带宽需求, DRM和字幕支持, 可伸缩性, 以及玩家和分销网络的整合.

2:45 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.

LS104 -管理和保护实时内容流

T在这里’s much more to producing and pulling off a successful webcast than setting up acquisition gear and pushing the stream. Today’s live webcasts generate significant amounts of metadata that must be synchronized with live streams, and the content itself must be properly protected for live delivery and packaged for VOD syndication. This panel will look at how to best address these challenges without slowing down the live streaming workflow.

凯西•布, Gigcasters常务董事
乔·爱因斯坦,架构师- Verizon/go90
德里克Gebler创始人 & 首席执行官- Field59
4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.

LS105 -专题讨论:将直播转化为利润

Today’s complex content mo网ization landscape confronts live streaming professionals with more technological and and strategic options than ever before. 你如何确定哪种方法——广告, 订阅, 事务, or even branded—will let you maximize the revenue from your live events and channels? In this panel you’ll find mo网ization experts who will break down the challenges facing live event mo网ization and offer insights into innovative ways to make sure you’re not leaving money on the table.

主持人: 菲利普·纳尔逊,首席关系官- NewTek
汤姆杰夫斯, PGA巡回赛数字项目管理总监
凯文·坎希拉, Digital Business Mo网ization for Entertainment, Media, and SaaS Consumer Services - Vindicia


10:30 a.m. - 11:15 a.m.

LS201 -专题讨论:既然你已经有了观众,你该如何让他们留下来?

如今的直播观众精明而善变, 虽然有些重大事件可能是不可错过的, you still need to make sure your user experience is compelling enough to keep viewers watching. 通过互动将控制权交给观众, easy-to-use players; giving them the tools to comment and share clips; and most of all, 从头到尾提供引人入胜的观看体验, 你将把你的内容与其他内容区分开来.

主持人: 罗伯特•莱因哈特,流媒体解决方案架构师- videoRx
布莱恩环, Ring Digital llc首席分析师
约翰·路德,技术高级副总裁- JW播放器
亚当Babkes,创意总监- Baby Steps
11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.

LS202 -直播的见解

11:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Online media and services leaders increasingly are finding that hardware-based infrastructures and other traditional approaches are obstacles when it comes to keeping up with consumer demand and assuring future scaling. 在这次非正式的炉边谈话中,来自 IGN娱乐, 电影《百家乐软件》英文名, AWS将为客户提供有关虚拟化的见解和部署轶事, 软件定义的视频基础设施需要为这些体验提供动力.

Nihar Bihani,首席产品经理-亚马逊网络服务
达斯汀Encelwski, Director of Product Management, Virtualization, and Management Solutions - 电影《百家乐软件》英文名 Technologies
阿育王维沙克,广告技术经理- IGN娱乐
12:00 p.m. - 12:30 p.m.

从季前赛到超级碗, 美国国家橄榄球联盟让球迷可以随时随地观看所有的比赛, 在他们选择的设备上. The league has been offering live streaming of games to all major connected OTT and mobile devices. This presentation offers a look at how the NFL has embraced digital as a complement to its successful broadcast game.

1:45 p.m. - 2:45 p.m.

LS203 -专题讨论:衡量实时内容交付的成功

The final steps in the live streaming workflow—delivery and 分析—are in some ways the most vexing, 但它们是衡量你的活动或渠道成功与否的关键. 分析有各种各样的形式和规模, from quality of experience (including customer-facing players and authentication tools) to quality of service (including live event CDN redundancy and post-event 分析). 我们将在本次信息会议中探讨所有这些领域.

贾斯汀刘,媒体首席业务经理 & 游戏- Akamai Technologies
3:15 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.

LS204 -专题讨论:直播的未来

今天的观众需要即时的高清直播. 他们未来的需求是什么? 4K? 8K? HDR? VR? Periscope和脸谱网上的直播等服务将扮演什么角色? Our panel of experts bring their knowledge of the past and present to bear as they make predictions about what viewers will expect in five or ten years, 哪些内容类型, 技术, and mo网ization models the live streaming industry must embrace to meet those expectations.

主持人: Eric抓住,首席技术官- NeuLion
迈克罗特曼, Streamin Garage首席执行官兼创始人
杰夫Varnell他是渠道销售副总裁 & 供应链——直播





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